Human Resources

The Human Resources Management Policy of Bavvey İç ve Dış Tic. Ltd. Şti. is the following:

  • To determine the staff required by the company and to select adequate and capable personnel for these positions, to give equal opportunity to candidates in the election, to be objective,
  • To make efficient and productive use of labor and budget opportunities by enabling employees to work in tasks appropriate to their knowledge and skills,
  • To give importance to the training of the employees and to allocate a provision in the Human Resources Management budget for the training programs every year for this purpose, to enable employees to grow, develop, succeed and rise,
  • To make arrangements to increase the work efficiency and productivity of employees,
  • To ensure the establishment of a positive social relations environment and to ensure the continuity of this environment, which is appropriate in terms of occupational health and safety,
  • To increase employees’ commitment to their duties; to improve communication and methods between employees and management,
  • To ensure the development of employees’ sense of commitment.



According to the norm staff works conducted in the Bavvey İç ve Dış Tic. Ltd. Şti, the vacant positions are announced through recruitment portals and the media. This announcement is also announced on the Bavvey website. Assessments are made through the applications and the candidates go through a series of interviews. The candidates who succeeded in this interview have joined the BAVVEY family and opened a beautiful page in their business life.


Candidates who are given the decision of recruitment are informed about Bavvey İç ve Dış Tic. Ltd. Şti, and they are subjected to orientation program in order to familiarize them with the corporate culture and position and to teach the business processes. The content and duration of the orientation programs vary according to Subsidiaries and departments.


Personal and professional development is given importance throughout the Bavvey and various training programs are implemented for the continuous improvement of our employees. In December of each year, annual training plans are made in line with requests from companies and employees. Within the scope of this training plan, some training programs are organized jointly by the Bavvey and some training programs are tailored to our companies and implemented by specialist trainers.


Career planning activities are carried out regarding our staff and employees. Career paths for each position are determined, competencies required by the staff and competencies related to our employees are made and this study provides data for training needs analysis. In this way, our employees are prepared for a senior staff. Also, there are opportunities for promotion to a higher position among our companies


Competence or target based performance system is applied throughout the Bavvey and the results are used for various human resources functions. Target based performance system is evaluated once in every 3 months and competency based is evaluated once in 6 months

Please follow Bavvey Linkedin account for current job postings. Or you can send your CV to us at e-mail address.